Featuring beautiful imagery paired with an approachable tone, Trail Mix is designed to introduce and educate readers to hiking and natural recreation in the Greater Puget Sound and Seattle area.
Problem to solve: 
How can we introduce hiking in the greater Seattle area to visitors and beginning hikers in an approachable, unintimidating way so as to bring more outdoor enthusiasts onto the trail and into the mix?

Released quarterly, Trail Mix is a blend of seasonal local hikes and relevant outdoor education content. Hiking content is hyper-focused to Western Washington and centered around the greater Seattle area. Outdoor education and culture content is more broad (i.e. essential hiking gear) but with advice on how it specifically relates to the Pacific Northwest. Trail Mix is designed to supplement hiking guidebooks at local gear shops and to be stocked at visitor centers and hotels in the greater Seattle area.
Timeframe: 10 weeks
Tools: Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator
Who is Trail Mix designed for?
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